
使用阿法拉伐 Alrox 真空脱气模块去除液体食品产品中的溶解气体,提高产品质量、风味和营养物质。 对包括单强度果汁和高粘度产品在内的大多数产品类型进行高效脱氧。 保持热传递表面清洁,防止均质机气蚀,并促进精确体积式灌装。 将此款预装配的独立撬装模块与巴氏灭菌器或灭菌器集成,以提高产量并延长保质期。



  • 使液体食品产品更长久地保持新鲜度,同时提高风味和营养价值
  • 通过防止热传递表面结垢优化传热效率
  • 通过降低氧气水平实现高精度灌装
  • 通过减缓过程氧化提高灵活性和生产可靠性
  • 更好地保持食品风味、颜色、香气、营养物质和稳定性

借助阿法拉伐 Alrox 真空脱气模块,通过去除游离、分散和溶解气体控制食品氧化。 此真空保留了产品的香气、风味、外观和营养物质,例如抗坏血酸。 

独特功能包括旋转式旋转器,可通过降低高粘度产品的氧含量生产稠度始终如一的产品,另外还包括橙汁脱油装置。 使用选配的香气回收冷凝器捕获和保留芳香化合物,或通过再循环经过清洁的工艺水回收补给水。  

选择 Alrox 脱气模块,可在多功能真空干燥器的批量操作或内联真空脱气器的连续操作期间最大程度地减少氧气。 

Effective deaeration results in less oxidation of the product. This ensures better retention of important nutrients, such as vitamin C, as well as making sure the product has better flavour and colour stability. Other important benefits include less fouling in subsequent heat treatment operations, resulting in increased uptime. Removing air also improves the performance of subsequent homogenization processes.


How it works

The Alrox basic model works on the basis of hot deaeration.

Adding an optional Alfa Laval spinner distribution system makes it possible to work at lower temperatures, using cold deaeration. 

Hot deaeration

The incoming product, which is normally at a temperature around 40–60°C (102–140°F), is fed into a vacuum vessel via a distributing nozzle. The vacuum present inside this vessel corresponds to a boiling temperature that is 2–5°C (3.6-9.0°F) lower than the product inlet temperature.

The product expands into the vacuum. The release of pressure, and the resultant boiling, causes instant evaporation of some of the water in the product. This has the effect of stripping out any air that may be present, in whatever form.

The vacuum in the separator is maintained by a liquid ring vacuum pump. The deaerated product is discharged through the bottom outlet to an extraction pump that pumps the product out to the next processing step.

Cold deaeration

In the Alfa Laval spinner distribution system, which is optional equipment for the Alrox deaerator module, a special disc rotates at high speed, spreading the product in thin layers as it enters the vacuum vessel. This means the entrapped air is mechanically exposed to the vacuum with maximum efficiency.