Heat recovery in a paraxylene plant in Asia - using process energy the smart way

Exchanging the existing air-cooled condensers for four Compablocs allowed a major paraxylene producer in Asia to increase heat recovery by more than 23 MW in its plant.

DATE 2023-11-28

The company is constantly looking for new ways of improving energy efficiency. When its engineers learned about the benefits with Alfa Laval’s compact heat exchangers they saw new possibilities for large energy savings.

Compact heat exchangers

Alfa Laval’s compact heat exchangers offer much higher thermal efficiency then traditional shell-and-tubes, making them much smaller. They have a temperature approach as small as 2°C (3.6°F) and can operate with a crossing temperature program, allowing for more heat recovery and at a lower temperature.

Compact heat exchangers open up new possibilities for recovering heat that has previously been regarded as waste.




Alfa Laval Compabloc heat exchanger

阿法拉伐紧凑的全焊接 Compabloc 换热器设计用于在各种腐蚀性介质和高温高压下运行。



  • Perfect for condensing duties
  • Superior performance
  • Low pressure drop
  • Minimal maintenance
  • Designed and built for rough conditions
  • Gas/liquid separation