
Mining dams pose a substantial risk, and residue management clearly needs to change. Alfa Laval is leading that transformation. The robust design and large capacity of our solid-bowl decanter centrifuges have proven the perfect solution for safe and secure dewatering of mining tailings. The small footprint substantially reduces installation space. The consistency of the solids fraction is perfect for co-disposal or dry stacking. And you recover large volumes of water for reuse.


Ensuring a fast, continuous process for safe, clean and efficient solid-liquid separation

  • High capacity and separation efficiency with optimal solids dryness
  • Long working life
  • Designed for high-density sludge
  • Compact design and small installation area
  • Easy to scale-up capacities from test results
The proven design and performance of Alfa Laval decanter centrifuges are based on decades of research and development in challenging solid-liquid separation applications. The unique bowl geometries, exceptional solids handling rates and robust design combine to set new standards in mining tailings management. The Alfa Laval decanter is wear-resistant, made with high-grade materials to withstand harsh environment of erosion and corrosion.


阿法拉伐P2和P3卧螺离心机专门用于将矿浆和尾矿分离成固相和液相,分离在配备螺旋输送机的水平圆柱形转筒内进行,给矿浆通过固定的进料管进入转鼓,然后在给矿区平稳加速。高达 3,500 G 的离心力将固体颗粒从液体中分离出来,固体堆积在转鼓的内表面。









澳大利亚 Rix's Creek 选煤厂

作为 Bloomfield 集团的一部分,Rix's Creek 煤炭开采公司将改善现场煤炭尾矿管理作为其可持续发展战略的一部分。这样做是为了减少水和能源消耗,并最大限度地减少废物处理过程的地面足迹。

Rix's creek Coal Preparation Plant in Australia


加拿大三个不同的尾矿处理场已安装了 30 多台阿法拉伐卧螺离心机。事实证明,卧螺离心机是大规模尾矿脱水的高效解决方案,它们能有效去除传统固体控制设备无法处理的最细颗粒。

Syncrude in Canada

Eti Maden, 土耳其

土耳其的 Eti Maden 是世界上最大的硼酸盐采矿公司,他们使用一系列受保护的阿法拉伐卧螺离心机从饱和硼酸盐溶液中分离出尾矿。该公司对阿法拉伐的长期可靠运行记录、低维护成本和强大的本地服务支持感到非常满意。

Eti Maden in Turkey

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Best practice for tailings



Solid Bowl Centrifuge makes Tailings dam redundant

Solid Bowl Centrifuges technology is about to transform tailings storage in ponded water in the mining industry radically. During the webinar, a number of alternative technologies for treatment and dewatering of tailings will be evaluated from perspectives of productivity, risk management and environmental impact.




tailing ponds



Man wearing a jacket with Alfa Laval logotype