无论您从事船舶制造业还是船舶运输业,都需要可靠的解决方案和专业知识以保持领先。与阿法拉伐合作,可以确保您的运营,合规性和生产力高效可靠。简而言之,我们的船舶解决方案可提高船舶的性能和使用寿命。 阿法拉伐对船舶行业秉承百年承诺,为全船面临的主要挑战提供解决方案,全球范围内让您安心放心。
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航运创新峰会 2024
2023航运创新峰会取得巨大成功,今年我们将继续举行该数字峰会。两小时的现场直播盛会,行业大咖共聚数字平台共同讨论航运业的未来。 点击了解更多峰会内容。

Alfa Laval invests in the development of air lubrication technology for sustainable shipping
Air lubrication for marine vessels is a developing solution that will radically reduce fuel consumption and environmental impact. Having acquired a minority stake in Marine Performance Systems B.V., a Rotterdam-based maritime technology company, Alfa Laval will be instrumental in making this long-sought technology a commercial reality.

Alfa Laval and NMRI have succeeded in onboard CO2 capture testing using an exhaust gas cleaning system
As the marine industry strives for a decarbonized future, Alfa Laval and partners are investigating the technologies needed to achieve it. One of the opportunities is carbon capture and storage (CCS), which took a step towards realization in recent testing performed by Alfa Laval and Japan’s National Maritime Research Institute (NMRI).

Alfa Laval and Wallenius agree on a joint venture to develop modern wind propulsion
With an aim to radically reduce the marine industry’s carbon footprint and overall emissions, Alfa Laval and Wallenius have announced their intent to form a new 50/50joint venture. AlfaWall Oceanbird will focus on the development and realization of technology for fully wind-powered vessel propulsion.

Connected services for marine equipment
Connectivity for your onboard systems creates smart opportunities to lower cost of ownership and secure peace of mind. Remote access means fewer and shorter service visits, but also possibilities for fleet-wide optimization. Discover Alfa Laval’s growing range of digital services and make the connection between data and value.

A carbon-neutral methanol fuel cell system is taking shape at the Alfa Laval Test & Training Centre
An innovative fuel cell system based on high-temperature proton exchange membrane (HTPEM) technology from Blue World Technologies is being constructed for testing at the Alfa Laval Test & Training Centre in Aalborg, Denmark. The test installation, which will use methanol as fuel, will explore the technology’s potential as a source of marine auxiliary power. Funded by Danish EUDP (Energy Technology Development and Demonstration Program), the project is a joint effort between fuel cell maker Blue World Technologies, Alfa Laval and vessel owners DFDS, Maersk Drilling and Hafnia.

丹麦奥尔堡阿法拉伐测试和培训中心即将开始对甲醇作为船用燃料进行重点试验。通过与MAN Energy Solutions公司以及其他合作伙伴的紧密合作,阿法拉伐将探索,在不做任何改动或使用其他引燃燃料的情况下,将甲醇作为燃料运行该中心四冲程2 MW柴油发动机的可能性。该试验由丹麦EUDP(能源技术开发与示范计划)资助,已经进行到该项目的第三阶段。

阿法拉伐成为Mærsk Mc-Kinney Møller 中心零碳航运战略合作伙伴
近日,阿法拉伐与马士基 Mc-Kinney Møller 中心宣布零碳航运战略合作伙伴关系。双方就即将开始的零碳航运技术开发项目签署战略合作伙伴协议。自此,阿法拉伐成为马士基 Mc-Kinney Møller 中心正式官方成员。

Alfa Laval introduces the marine industry’s first biofuel-ready separators
Biofuels are a current and accessible fuel option that can help marine customers decarbonize. Yet while biofuels reduce CO2 footprint, they also pose new operational challenges. Alfa Laval is first in the market to address them with biofuel-optimized separators and separator upgrades.


阿法拉伐Marine Talks 网络研讨会,深入探讨新形势下海事行业将面临的挑战和变革。在这些网络研讨会中,您将找到最新的分析、知识和解决方案,在不断变化的当下始终做出正确的决策。此外,我们的船舶专家和众多海事行业知名人士业会在该研讨会上参与讨论。


我们最新的“Marine Essential” 船用设备精粹产品册,供了广泛的久经考验的设备,涵盖了船舶最关键的运行/作业所需设备。



